Ask (the) F(ood)M(istress)

Are you familiar with If not, it’s a social networking site where users can ask each other questions and has the option of being anonymous/anonimity. Anyway, I haven’t logged on my account in a while and even though I receive notifications when someone asked a question, I haven’t paid much attention to them…till yesterday.

Someone sent me a “3-page” question with 10 parts regarding my foodie side. I’m assuming that this person

  • a.) knows me well and is just trolling me
  • b.) knows me well, but is still curious about my thoughts about one of my outlets
  • c.) an avid follower who actually wants to get to know me more

(I personally prefer b and/or c, but my friends and I enjoy trolling each other anyway)

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I’m so sorry to those who’ve been nagging me to post! April has been a busy month for me (numerous birthdays, concerts, friends visiting) and I haven’t had the time to properly sit down and plan my posts/make something for me to blog about. Anyway, I’d like to share two of my April finds with you because they’re such awesome complements to certain food I eat.



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Happy Valentine’s Day!

VDAY 2014

My Valentine is currently in a different time zone and even though it makes me sad, I’m still wishing y’all a happy one, whether you’re spending it with someone or not. Hell, love should be celebrated everyday, just like food! LOL

P.S. To those who are following/secretly lurking my blog, I apologize for the lack of updates! I will make it up to you very soon 🙂

Pancake Fever!

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I woke up one morning with pancake thoughts and not just any typical pancake but blueberry pancakes. I love fluffy pancakes because they’re just so much more filling and the way they stack up is just a beautiful sight! This recipe is actually my mom’s and I somewhat adapted it. This recipe can actually be altered by omitting/adding fruits, nuts, and kinds of chocolate chips.

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Simple Pasta


 I’m Filipino, but pasta is a staple in my family. Why? Because my mom loves Italian food and I’m heavily influenced by her taste in many things, especially food. Our cupboard is filled with different sorts of pastas from angel hair to mostaccioli and sometimes, I question my mother’s ethnicity LOL Thanks to Trader Joe’s and Fresh & Easy for carrying $1 pastas that’s why we stock up on ’em! 

Anyway, this recipe comes in handy when:
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