

Q: Why did it take you this long to create a food blog?
A: It just never crossed my mind nor did I have the desire and also, there are many food bloggers in existence already. It was just a few months ago when I thought of making one. At the same time, I’ve been more focused on learning and creating.

Hello to those that are reading this! I’ve been mentioning the birth of my food blog on my Instagram account a few months before 2013 ended and I initially planned on launching it before winter, but as the months passed, I’ve gotten busy, lazy, and uninspired to do so. I’ve missed blogging, and what better way to start again by posting about things that I like rolled into one – food and photography. I’m not the best at both, but I try. 

Q: Why ‘foodfeels’ and what does it mean?
A: It’s actually a play on words: food feelings. Ever since ‘feels’ has become a fad, I’ve started using the ‘foodfeels’ hashtag on my IG food posts. I personally believe that a person’s mood can change when food is in front of him/her, whether s/he likes it or not. When we’re happy or when we need to celebrate, we eat. For some who are depressed, they binge. It doesn’t matter what kind of emotion you’re feeling – you will turn to food, regardless (unless your mind wins…or you let it, especially at certain hours of the night).

In this blog, I’ll be sharing personal favorites and of course, my food experiments and adventures that I’m hoping will inspire you to make them or if you’ve no kitchen experience, you’ll start because of me. To those that have hesitated/hesitate on asking me for recipes, this is the place for you! This is not just a personal outlet, but also my way of thanking people for believing/continued belief in my culinary skills. 

Feel free to follow and if you’ve already clicked that button, thank you and welcome 🙂 



6 thoughts on “Introduction

  1. Hello ianne!! I support you in this!! 🙂 I am a big fan of your cooking. Your passion is always love and of course your golden tickets!!! ❤️❤️❤️

    • Thank you, Meg! I wish there’s a bullet train or that it’s not expensive to mail stuff overseas, ’cause I’d definitely mail Golden Tickets your way a lot 🙂

  2. Yo Ianne~ I’m sure you already know who this is lol Anyway, I’m just stopping by to take a gander around your new blog. Everythang looks amazing. I’m already gawking at that pasta post *0* You are an incredible chef and I can’t wait to see what you have in store! I’ll definitely be checking back frequently for new posts! Keep up the good work ~~

    • Hey Claudia! Thank you for taking the time to stop by and show some love and of course, for the compliment ^^ Feel free to follow so you’ll just get email notifications whenever I post something new. Strangely, the blogging bug bit me during the time I’m lazy to cook/bake anything LOL

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